New Year = New Plants!

I decided to change up our indoor herb garden this year. Last year, we had parsley, basil, oregano and sage. This year, we still have the parsley, oregano and sage, but I added cilantro, thyme and sweet mint and did away with the basil. The basil just wasn’t doing well inside (or wasn’t doing well in the small pot, I’m not sure which, but after buying it again this year and having it die within a week, I went another route). I also decided to get a few bigger pots for the parsley and cilantro (Dollar Tree galvanized pots for the win:)). I initially tried the cilantro in the small pot, but it didn’t last very long (either from the small pot, or from my husband cutting a bunch to make salsa). That’s when I decided to get the bigger pots and try the thyme and sweet mint in the small pots. So far, so good!

I do take them all outside during the day when the weather allows so they can get more sunlight (we have a covered porch outside our windows, so, while they do get some light, it’s not enough). So, while I’m working on several other projects at the moment, I just wanted to share a quick update on our little indoor her garden:)

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