After months and months of work on this project, it’s all but complete! I’ve actually tried a few times to get some pictures and details posted, but between traveling, the holidays and some technical issues, I just couldn’t make it happen. However, at this point the project is about 99% complete and the few minor […]
I realized I had never posted the before and after pictures from my first trip to Texas a few months ago! So, my final post on Texas projects is actually the first thing I did:) I was only there for roughly 48 hours, so I wasn’t able to get the floor finished, but I was […]
While we were in Texas, and while we had the insulation out, we decided to go ahead and get the downstairs bathroom taken care of as well. The shower surround, drywall and insulation had been torn out due to the water damage when the pipes burst and has been sitting this way ever since! On […]
Another project we aimed to tackle while we were in Texas was replacing the drywall and insulation that had been removed due to water damage from the busted pipes. I had sent the materials list to my brother to order before we got there, so it was all delivered and waiting when we arrived. Unfortunately, […]
This was a project that wasn’t on my original list of things to complete, but while we were there, it was a better use of our time to get this climate controlled space taken care of and get a little less done in the Garage. This was a fairly simple project to complete, and we […]
Another one of the projects on the list to complete at my brother’s house – correcting the poorly placed dryer vent to properly vent to the outside vs. in a wall cavity! This wasn’t a long project, but was definitely a necessary one since venting a dryer into a closed wall cavity can be a […]
I had my brother take a picture from the patio since I forgot and I wanted to share!!
So, after I spent a few days at my brother’s house about a month ago, we lined out a plan of what needed to be done, and what could be done in a roughly a week when my husband could go back with me. A lot of his issues stem from the busted pipes during […]
I realized the other day, that it’s officially been a year since I left my job! I can’t believe it’s been a year already! As I thought about it, I thought about how the past year has been – has it been better? Worse? Worth it? Should I go back to a 9-5 now that […]
I feel so ‘official’ now:)))) I had this logo created toward the end of the summer for the site, and, hopefully a few shirts! Now that the kids are back in school, and while we’re all adjusting to life with a new schedule, I’m hoping to get some projects posted up soon! In the meantime, […]